
Students must be Health to be Educated 

and Educated to be Healthy!


Welcome to the Artesia High School Nurse web page! My name is Ana Ualika and I am the school nurse at Artesia High School.  I have been connecting with families and communities providing support at Artesia High since 2016 to keep students healthy, safe, in school, and ready to learn. I am so happy to be a part of this fabulous Pioneer family!


"The school nurse supports student success by providing health care through assessment, intervention, and follow-up for all children within the school setting. The school nurse addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students and supports their achievement in the learning process."  (National Association of School Nurses. (2016). The role of the 21st century school nurse (Position Statement). Silver Spring, MD: Author.)


Ana Ualika, MSN, PHN, RN

Credentialed School Nurse

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (562) 926-5566 ext 21620

FAX: (562) 809-5604
"A child may be sent home if, for good reason, he/she is believed to be suffering from a recognized contagious or infectious disease. (Ed. Code 49451). Students will be sent home with temperatures of 100˚ or higher, and must stay home until they have been fever free without analgesics (Tylenol) for 24 hours. Students who are kept home from school due to symptoms of illness may not return to school until the beginning of school the following day.
Students who develop an infection that need to be treated with antibiotics may not return to school until after being on the medication for 24 hours. Parents may write an excuse from P.E. for up to 3 days; further exclusion must be verified by a licensed medical provider." (Source: ABC USD Student and Parent/Guardian Handbook 2019-20 Page 10.)

"The ABC Unified School District recognizes that certain students may need to take prescribed and/or over-the counter medications during the school day. The school nurse, or other persons designated by the Superintendent, shall assist such students in taking their medication. The following requirements must be met each school year and more frequently if circumstances change, before such assistance is given (Source: Ed. Code 49423)

  1. A written authorization from a health care provider licensed in the State of        California detailing the method, amount, and time schedules for the taking of the medication. (See "Request for Assistance with Medication Form")
  2. A written statement from the student’s parent/guardian requesting the District to monitor and assist the student in taking the prescribed medication.
  3. Medication must be properly labeled from the pharmacy or manufacturer, including name of student, medication, amount, and frequency to be given." (Source: ABC USD Student and Parent/Guardian Handbook 2019-20 Page 10.)

ABC Health Services Forms Web page

The Artesia High School Wellness support team is dedicated to helping students, families and communities live healthier lives. The wellness team focuses on prevention and/or lessening of contributing factors that interfere with the overall wellness of the student.

 Click on the link below to visit wellness information & resources. 

  District Mental Health/Wellness Web Page



 American Heart Association Fitness Basics

Take Action Now! Help to combat the Teen Vaping Outbreak 

 Educational Resources:  


Do you need HELP Quitting? Call 1-844-8-NO-VAPE or 1-844-866-8273

National Drug and Alcohol Abuse Hotline (877) 437-8422