P5-English I CP-Tyler(2020 - 2021) Assignments

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Past Assignments


June 7 (Monday): My Top Nine in Google Classroom

June 7 (Monday): My Top Nine


May 17 (Monday): Love Unit Writing First Draft in Google Classroom

May 17 (Monday): Love Unit Writing First Draft


May 13 (Thursday): Love Unit Writing Prompt and Pre-write in Google Classroom

May 13 (Thursday): Love Unit Writing Prompt and Pre-write


 May 10 (Monday): Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene in Google Classroom

May 10 (Monday): Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scene


May 6 (Thursday): Decoding Shakespeare's Language in Google Classroom

May 6 (Thursday): Decoding Shakespeare's Language


 April 29 ((Thursday): "Gift of the Magi" Escape Room  in Google Classroom

April 29 ((Thursday): "Gift of the Magi" Escape Room


April19 (Monday): "Those Winter Sundays" in Google Classroom

April19 (Monday): "Those Winter Sundays"


April 12 (Monday): Why we Love: The Chemistry of Love in Google Classroom

April 12 (Monday): Why we Love: The Chemistry of Love


April 1 (Thursday): Representations of Love PADLET/8 types of love in Google Classroom

April 1 (Thursday): Representations of Love PADLET/8 types of love


March 29 (Monday): MLA Works Cited in Google Classroom

March 29 (Monday): MLA Works Cited


❌  March 11 (Thursday): Paragraphs 3&4  Essay Builder Dreams Mini Essay in Google Classroom

❌ March 11 (Thursday): Paragraphs 3&4 Essay Builder Dreams Mini Essay


❌  March 8 (Monday): Paragraphs 1&2  Essay Builder Dreams Mini Essay in Google Classroom

❌ March 8 (Monday): Paragraphs 1&2 Essay Builder Dreams Mini Essay


 ❌  February 22 (Monday): The Joy Luck Club Character Autopsy  in Google Classroom

❌ February 22 (Monday): The Joy Luck Club Character Autopsy


❌ February 4 (Thursday): Irony Escape Room in Google Classroom

❌ February 4 (Thursday): Irony Escape Room


 ❌  January 25 (Monday): Vision Board in Google Classroom

❌ January 25 (Monday): Vision Board


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. January 4 (Monday): Hook Sentence Workshop. in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. January 4 (Monday): Hook Sentence Workshop.


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. January 4 (Monday):1st Draft Essay Builder in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. January 4 (Monday):1st Draft Essay Builder


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. December 17 (Thursday): "Ozymandias" Word choice in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. December 17 (Thursday): "Ozymandias" Word choice


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. December 10 (Thursday): "Ozymandias" in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. December 10 (Thursday): "Ozymandias"


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. November 30 (Monday): Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History ACE in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. November 30 (Monday): Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History ACE

Story is in Studysync


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. November 16 (Monday): 1984 pre-discussion work  in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. November 16 (Monday): 1984 pre-discussion work


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.November 12 (Thursday): 1984 ACES Practice.  in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.November 12 (Thursday): 1984 ACES Practice.

Pick one of the questions and answer using ACE strategy.


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. November 2 (Monday): "Lady or the Tiger?" Narrator types in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. November 2 (Monday): "Lady or the Tiger?" Narrator types


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 29 (Thursday):
Reflect on your growing soft skills and what you practiced today during your breakout room session by answering two of the questions on the task cards. in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 29 (Thursday): DISCUSSION REFLECTION: “LADY OR THE TIGER?” Reflect on your growing soft skills and what you practiced today during your breakout room session by answering two of the questions on the task cards.


 🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.
 October 26 (Monday): "The Lady or the Tiger?" Worksheet in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 26 (Monday): "The Lady or the Tiger?" Worksheet


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.
 October 12 (Monday):  Empathy essay first draft in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 12 (Monday): Empathy essay first draft


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.
 October 12 (Monday):  Brainstorm, Paragraphs 1, 2 Empathy essay in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 12 (Monday): Brainstorm, Paragraphs 1, 2 Empathy essay

You will write your first draft on this document. Do not submit until Oct 18.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 October 8 (Thursday):  Theme in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 8 (Thursday): Theme


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 October 5 (Monday): Homework  in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 5 (Monday): Homework


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 October 5 (Monday): Rhetorical Device Classwork practice in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 5 (Monday): Rhetorical Device Classwork practice


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.  
October 1 (Thursday): Homework  in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 1 (Thursday): Homework


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 October 1 (Thursday) Classwork: SOAPSTONE: The Statement on the Assassination of MLK in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. October 1 (Thursday) Classwork: SOAPSTONE: The Statement on the Assassination of MLK


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 September 28 (Monday): Homework in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. September 28 (Monday): Homework

The assignment is on studysync. This is just as reminder.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 September 22 (Tuesday) homework: 
1. Prepositions 
2. The Jungle Reading Quiz in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. September 22 (Tuesday) homework: 1. Prepositions 2. The Jungle Reading Quiz

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
September 24 (Thursday): Reading like a Writer vs Reading  like a Reader in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. September 24 (Thursday): Reading like a Writer vs Reading like a Reader

Complete slides 8, 9, 13, 14, 15.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 September 21 (Monday): The Jungle Imagery in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. September 21 (Monday): The Jungle Imagery

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.
Click the share button on the top corner and share it with full editing rights with [email protected].


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
🚫  September 14: (Monday) Characterization practice in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 🚫 September 14: (Monday) Characterization practice

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
 🚫 September 10 (Thursday): "Marigolds" First read homework  in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 🚫 September 10 (Thursday): "Marigolds" First read homework

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.
Log in to studysync for the story or read it below.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
🚫 August 31 (Monday): VISUAL RESUME and COVER LETTER in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 🚫 August 31 (Monday): VISUAL RESUME and COVER LETTER

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
🚫 August 27 (Thursday): Class stations in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 🚫 August 27 (Thursday): Class stations

🚫 This assignment has expired and cannot be made up anymore for points.


🚫   This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 
🚫  August 24 (Monday): Hard vs soft skills in Google Classroom

🚫 This assignment has expired and is no longer available for any credit. 🚫 August 24 (Monday): Hard vs soft skills

🚫 This assignment has expired and cannot be made up anymore for points.